Last Modified: February 01, 2024

We are only willing to link and cause referrals to websites that we believe are safe and respectful of the rights of their visitors as well as the performers and rights holders whose content is displayed.

We strive to be as inclusive and objective as possible in determining whether websites meet our criteria. At the same time, we wish to minimize the risk of us (inadvertently) promoting and driving visitors to websites which we cannot support based on our values, ethics, and legal obligations.

Please read our rules below and make sure you comply when using or considering our Traffic Services.

Our rules

  • We have absolutely zero tolerance for websites or content containing (or promoting) child sexual abuse material (CSAM) or child sexual exploitation material (CSEM).
  • We also refuse to link and cause referrals to:
    • Webpages or content violating anyone’s legal rights, including:
      • Malware, trojans, viruses, or other malicious code aimed at ‘hacking’ or performing unauthorized operations on visitors’ devices;
      • Fraudulent or misleading offers (scams), obtaining payment without providing the promised goods or services in return;
      • Collecting, storing, using or otherwise processing personal data of visitors without their consent or another valid legal basis (e.g., GDPR);
    • Performers or other persons shown. Examples of violation:
      • Showing any person (who appears) younger than 18 years old;
      • Showing any person who has not given (legally valid) consent for creation and/or publication of the content;
      • ‘Revenge porn’, posting sexually explicit material of an ex-partner without consent;
      • Deepfakes of individuals who have not given consent;
      • Non-consensual acts and/or violence, bestiality, or acts showing intent to inflict harm;
    • Owners of copyrights and/or similar rights protecting creative work. Examples of violation:
      • Publishing content without a valid license (permission) of the rights holder(s).
    • Webpages or content advertising, promoting, or supporting violation of anyone’s legal rights:
      • Soliciting, ‘grooming’, promoting sexual acts with any person younger than 18 years old;
      • Advertisement of stolen, pirated, or otherwise infringing content.
    • Webpages or content deemed unacceptable by PBWM in its discretion:
      • Content describing or showing feces, vomit, blood;
      • Drunk or intoxicated individuals;
      • Discrimination by race or other characteristics;
      • Incest (sexual acts between blood relatives);
      • Acts closely related to infringing the law;
      • Terms that are on PBWM’s banned terms list (e.g. “drunk”).

Notice and Action Policy

If you believe that any content (linked to) on our website violates our Acceptable Content Policy, you may let us know in accordance with our Notice and Action Policy. Upon receipt of your notice, we will respond in accordance with our Policy.

Laws applicable to (adult-oriented) websites in general

Let’s be clear: we believe that adult content made with complete and informed consent of the performers and with respect for health and safety should be legal for persons over 18 in any jurisdiction. Unfortunately, not all jurisdictions agree with this, and some even find consensual adult content more offensive than crimes like corruption or violence. As operators of adult-oriented websites, we must navigate this reality.

It is your own responsibility to identify which laws apply to your websites and to operate in accordance with all applicable laws.

Laws applicable to our websites, which we comply with

Laws of the Netherlands: As we are a company established in the Netherlands, we first and foremost comply with Dutch laws, which are generally liberal towards adult content that complies with our values and rules.

Other laws: In addition, we strive to ensure compliance with the laws of any country where we actively try to attract visitors to our websites.

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